Testimonials & Success Stories

Success Stories
Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) Participant:
“I’m surprised at how much I learned about a lot of different things, not just checking my blood sugar levels. I especially like the part about communication and sick days.”
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) Participant:
“I came out of the program with a new view of how I should live my life. I am now walking. I am drinking much more water, am learning Tai Chi and am looking at all there is to do and learn out there. This program has given me many tools to adjust to my pain and live a healthy, satisfying life.”
Cancer: Thriving and Surviving Program (CTSP) Participant:
“I took this workshop myself as a 12-year cancer survivor. My quality of life has improved tremendously and I wish I’d taken this course sooner. I highly recommend the workshop to survivors and caregivers to make the journey from surviving to thriving.”
National Diabetes Prevention Program (NDPP) Participant:
“I wanted to share with you that I have lost 17.4 pounds so far! I wouldn’t have been able to lose this much weight without you! By attending class and following the program I have been successful. I also wanted to let you know that I was curious and had labs drawn and the results were exciting to get. All my levels that were not in range are now within, except one. That is not only a huge relief regarding my health, but a proven record that this program works.”
Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP) Participant:
“I’ve learned I’m not the only who has this problem and I feel close to this group of people.”
Chronic Disease Self-Management Program (CDSMP) Participant:
“Kudos to whoever organized this workshop and made it happen. I’ve known about these for years, then had a major heath event due to chronic disease, and here I am! Thank you so much!”
Kitchen Creations Participant:
“My A1C in January was 11.5, and now in February it was 8.5. This class helped by increasing my information to make better choices, buying good food. Having the cookbook to refer to is a great help. Thank you, Tony, Monica, and Sue Ann, for your support. Continue these programs. They are really helpful.”